The Class of 2024 participated in College Application Day, sponsored by the SC Commission on Higher Education, on Tuesday, September 6. They completed at least one application with the help of Admissions Counselors from Piedmont Technical College, Lander University, Limestone University, Francis Marion University, Coastal Carolina University, and Paine College. Students will continue completing applications during the Fall Semester and await to hear of decisions on their acceptances to those colleges.

Please plan to attend the Annual Community Night at the Abbeville Career Center on Monday (Sept. 11) from 5:00-7:00 pm. The groundbreaking Ceremony will be at 6 pm for the new building site. There will be free food - hotdog, chips, and a drink once you register; fun - Bounce houses and inflatable slides; presentations from business/industry & college presentations; and live entertainment by Jake Bartley. The gates will open at 5 pm, and admission is FREE. We hope to see you there!!

College Application Day for the Class of 2024 will be Sept. 6 from 8:30-12:15 in the Library. Students received invitations through Google Calendar, notifying them of their assigned time. Admissions representatives from different colleges will be available to help navigate their applications and answer any questions. The initiative for the entire state of SC is for every student to complete at least one college application!

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded National Recognition from the College Board: Aubrey Lewis and Emma Harper received the National Rural and Small Town Award, MiKhelyn Bowie received the National Rural and Small Town Award, and the National African American Recognition Award.

Our clubs are actively recruiting new members!

Are you a student-athlete dreaming of playing your sport at the NCAA level? Invest in your future and spend an hour on Sunday, September 17, from 5-6 p.m., understanding the requirements and how to prepare for NCAA certification. Register at the following link: https://mc97gsxn49y6wmpf4p2n764zq7z1.pub.sfmc-content.com/4rviddiytvu

The Abbeville County School District Board of Trustees has retained the South Carolina School Boards Association (SCSBA) to assist in their search for a new Superintendent. In a collaborative and community-minded spirit, the Board of Trustees is seeking input from district and community stakeholders as an essential element of the search process. An online survey will be available for you to share your input as well. Here is the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HXK3VVQ Anyone wishing to provide any additional comments or ask specific questions may email Judy LeGrand, SCSBA Superintendent Search Coordinator, at jlegrand@scsba.org. All comments and suggestions will remain anonymous. SCSBA will compile the information received from the online survey and the focus groups and report the results to the Board of Trustees.

Due to today's high heat index, a portion of tonight's groundbreaking ceremony will take place in the auditorium. The event will begin indoors at 6:00 PM before moving outdoors for the ceremonial groundbreaking. We look forward to seeing you this evening! Go Panthers!

Here's a reminder about Monday's schedule of events. We hope to see you for both Open House and the Groundbreaking Ceremony as we celebrate the start of a new school year and new construction! See you there!

The Jamboree at Greenwood High School tomorrow has a few policies that must be followed:
- There is a clear bag policy that is strictly enforced and metal detectors will be utilized at the gates.
- All students must be with an adult or have a high school student ID worn at all times.
- All spectators must find a seat and not congregate around the stadium.
- Only SCHSL passes will be accepted.
- Tickets can be purchased on GoFan.co or with cash at the gate.
We hope to see you tomorrow at the Greenwood Jamboree!

Fall 2023 Athletic Schedules

Order your yearbook today!

Anyone interested in FBLA should plan to meet on Thursday at 5 pm in Ms. Banks' room. Please park behind the school and enter through the back door. All students are invited to join and learn more about FBLA. Go Panthers!

Our first 2023-2024 Open House will take place Monday, August 14, from 3:15 - 5:15. See you then!

Exciting things are happening at AHS! Make plans to join us on August 14!

Seniors - If you would like to take the fall SAT or ACT here at AHS, please see Ms. Bolt. The deadline to sign up will be Friday, August 11th.

The Abbeville Kick-Off Classic has been cancelled due to weather. Tickets will be refunded.

There will be an informational meeting for all those interested in joining the AHS Pep Band tomorrow, August 3rd, after school.

Students, tomorrow is sure to be a great day as begin the 2023-2024 school year. Be sure to charge those Chromebooks before going to bed this evening! We look forward to the start of school. Go Panthers!

School starts tomorrow, August 1! Our faculty and staff have been hard at work to ensure a great start to the 2023-2024 school year. GO PANTHERS!