Ms. Tycie Stewart from Piedmont Technical College will be presenting Financial Aid & FAFSA Information tonight at 5:30PM-6:30PM in the Abbeville High School Auditorium & again on Thursday at Dixie High School Library from 6:00PM-7:00PM
The Class of 2024 should plan to attend, but all students and parents are welcome to attend.

Mrs. Finley and our AHS FFA participated in FFA Day at the South Carolina State Fair!

Today, our Biology students participated in a campus lab with the Greenwood Genetic Center.

Juniors and Seniors, today's Herff Jones meetings have been rescheduled for tomorrow, October 18. Juniors are scheduled for 10:00AM and Seniors for 10:30AM in the auditorium. If you're unable to attend, all information can be picked up in the main office.

Tickets are on sale for the 2nd Farm To Fleet concert. All proceeds will benefit scholarship funding for agriculture students in the Abbeville and Dixie FFA chapters. The event will be held at Erskine College on February 24, 2024. Pre-show activities will kick off in the afternoon with food trucks, axe throwing, and an acoustic set by Margaret Haynie. Doors open at 5:00 pm for the event featuring The Pickens Creek Band, Clay Page, and Diamond Rio. Tickets are available at the following link:
For more information, contact Katie Finley at Abbeville High or Josh Murdock at Dixie.

The North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals (NACCAP) College Fair is taking place on October 23rd from 6:00PM-8:00PM at
Greenwood Christian School (2026 Woodlawn Road Greenwood, SC). https://www.findyourchristiancollege.com/college-fairs/piedmont-area-sc-christian-college-fair

The SC Teaching Fellows application is now open with a deadline of December 1st. This scholarship awards $6000 each year over 4 years to education majors.
Please see QR codes around campus and links on the AHS School Counseling Scholarship Website for directions and applications.

The Lander Dual Enrollment Staff will be on campus in the AHS Auditorium on October 19 at 10:40AM-11:10AM to present Lander DE to English 3 & 4 Honors classes. Sign up in the counseling department if you are interested in attending.

All 9th grade & Class of 2024 students should have scheduled their IGP Meetings on the Calendly links on the School Counseling website. Please do this ASAP if you have not scheduled your meeting yet. https://ahs.acsdsc.org/o/abbeville-high-school

This is a reminder that AHS will be closed Monday, October 2nd through Friday, October 6th for intersession break. Students will return to school on Monday, October 9th.

Those in grades 10-12 interested in attending the Washington D.C. trip should check their emails for more information. Seniors can also get more information during Senior Meetings on Thursday.

SENIOR pictures will be on Thursday (Sept. 28) in the Auditorium from 9:00-2:00. See your google classroom for more details.

Ms. Tycie Stewart from Piedmont Technical College will present Financial Aid & FAFSA Information on October 18 - 5:30-6:30 PM at Abbeville High School in the Auditorium. Please plan to attend this presentation to learn about financial aid and to ask any questions that you may have.

Isabel Jordan, Admissions Representative from The University of South Carolina - Columbia, was at Abbeville High School on Tuesday to meet with juniors and seniors interested in finding out more about applying to USC Columbia.

Interested in teaching? Thursday, Sept 28 at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Fleming will hold a zoom meeting for the SC Teaching Fellows Scholarship. Application is due on December 1st. https://winthrop-edu.zoom.us/j/87347751505

The AHS Class of 2025 recently attended the College Fair at Erskine College, where they met and talked with college admissions representatives from over 40 colleges in the Carolinas Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers Organization.

Picture Day for 9th- 11th graders will be this Thursday (Sept. 21). ALL students should plan to take a picture. These will be used in the yearbook and to update PowerSchool. Senior pictures will be next week.

Seniors, as you begin to apply to colleges, stop by the Counseling Department to fill out a "Transcript Request Form" so that your documents can be sent to the college or university of your choice.

The ASVAB will be given on November 1st to any 10th, 11th, or 12th-grade student who wants a great career assessment tool to help identify which career areas best suit them, wants to know what they may be good at learning, is interested in the military, or wants to meet College/Career Readiness. Please sign up in the Counseling Department.

The University of South Carolina will be on campus on September 19th in the Library at 10:45. Any 10th, 11th, or 12th-grade student interested can sign up in the Counseling Department if you want to attend. Spaces are limited.