Anyone interested in running cross country should attend a meeting in Mr. Guire’s room on Thursday, August 3, at 2:45. This meeting is for boys and girls, ALL returning athletes, and any NEW athletes. Please notify Mr. Guire directly before the meeting if you cannot attend.

A varsity girls’ soccer meeting will be held at 2:45 in Mr. Guire’s room on Thursday, August 3. This meeting is for ALL returning athletes and any NEW athletes. If you cannot attend, please notify Mr. Guire directly before the meeting.

Just a reminder that orientation will be held on July 27th from 5:30-7:00 in the AHS auditorium for all new students and incoming freshmen.

Parents, the Abbeville Housing Authority is hosting a Back-to-School Bash this Saturday, July 29, from 11:00AM to 2:00PM. Be sure to stop by!

Orientation will be held on July 27th from 5:30-7:00 in the AHS auditorium for all new students and incoming freshmen.

Students and Parents, don't forget about in-person registration! You may also register online via your Parent Portal.

Parents, this is a reminder to use the parent portal to register your student for this school year.

Parents, online registration for the 23-24 school year is open. To register, log into your PowerSchool Parent Portal account and click on the "forms" link. We have included a guide for parents in case you have any questions. If you need assistance with creating a Parent Portal account, please contact the AHS office. Express Guide for Parents - https://rb.gy/lcm7m

The Abbeville High School Future Business Leaders of America was the only FBLA chapter in the state to be recognized as a Gold Champion Chapter for the 2022-2023 year. Champion Chapter is a series of membership engagement-focused challenges that chapters may complete for national recognition. By completing activities, chapters accrue points and can earn bronze, silver, or gold. Earning Gold Champion Chapter status exemplifies the chapter’s commitment to completing activities at designated times throughout the year. The AHS chapter has 19 members and is under the guidance of Crystal Banks, adviser, and Felicia Thomas-Adams, co-adviser.

The Class of 2023 Graduation Ceremony is Friday, June 2, at 10:00 AM. For those unable to attend, please use the link below to view the ceremony's live stream.

Thursday, June 1, is the last day of school for the 2022-2023 school year. AHS will dismiss at 11:30 AM.

Monday, May 29, is a school holiday in observance of Memorial Day. We ask that you take a moment in joining AHS as we remember all who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom.

Seniors, don't forget to complete your Senior Night Information Form, which was emailed on May 9 and May 19. Also, your two complimentary guest tickets can be picked up in the office. We look forward to seeing you on May 25 at 6:30!

Seniors, the Class of 2023 Senior Night Program is quickly approaching. Please be sure to check your school email for important reminders about the May 25th event. Thank you and GO PANTHERS!

Seniors, tomorrow is your senior walk at Long Cane Primary and Westwood Elementary. You must submit your permission form in order to participate. If you need one, please email Mr. White for a copy you can print and sign. We will gather in the auditorium at 7:55 AM to sign the senior mural prior to leaving. Once returning to AHS, we will take the class photo in the stadium. Don't forget your cap and gown!

Students, End of Course and final exams begin this week. Be sure to charge your Chromebook the night before in preparation of your exam! Good luck during exam time, and Go Panthers!

You’re Invited! VirtualSC is hosting a Parent Information Session on Tuesday, May 23rd, at 6:30 PM. Students and their parents/guardians interested in learning more about the VirtualSC summer session are encouraged to attend. Please see Mrs. Scott to sign up.

We would like to wish a Happy School Nurse’s Day to our very own Nurse Cheryl Ferguson! Thanks Nurse Cheryl for always taking good care of our students and staff!

It's Teacher Appreciation Week! We want to express our sincere appreciation for everything our teachers and staff do! Thank you for your patience, guidance, and unwavering commitment to helping our students reach their full potential. Your influence extends far beyond the classroom and into the lives of those you interact with. Thank you for all you do, and know that your efforts are truly valued and appreciated.

Erskine's Biology and Health Sciences Dept. has created a unique summer opportunity for high school students interested in the medical field. Camp Hippocrates will be a 1 -day Mini-Medical School experience for only $10! There are two dates that this experience is offered.