Congrats to Nellie Morton on being selected SOTW for April 1-5. Nellie was chosen because she is "smart, nice, thoughtful of others, doesn't make excuses, is attentive in class, and an incredible student and person!"

A bus driver training class will be held at the Abbeville County School District Administrative Office Building, 400 Greenville Street, on June 17 - 20, 2019. The class will begin at 8:30am and end at 2:30pm each day. Contact the District Office at 864-366-5427 if interested.

Reminder: Report Cards will be distributed on Thursday, March 28, during Advisory class.

Baseball, Softball, and Soccer all play at home this week. If you miss the Panthers in action this week, it's your own fault! #GoPanthers

Congrats to FBLA on an excellent showing at the state competition. AHS had 12 students qualify for the national competition in San Antonio, and senior Will Smith was the recipient of the 2019 Rita Heape Scholarship!!

FBLA members recently visited Diamond Hill Elementary to help with their book fair and read to students. What a great opportunity to serve others and connect with the next generation of Abbeville County students!

Congrats to Lacee Brown on being selected SOTW for March 18-22! Lacee is a 9th grade student, and she was nominated by our cafeteria staff for "always being well-mannered and always having a smile for everyone."

Need help with your FAFSA? See the attached flyer regarding Erskine College's FAFSA Night. The event is open to any student, not just those attending Erskine in fall 2019.

Congrats to Abby Mitchum on being selected SOTW for Match 11-15. Abby was selected because of her dependability, hard-working attitude, extra-curricular involvement, and her ability to take on challenges with enthusiasm. Way to go, Abby!

Congrats to Idaijah Hill on being named Student of the Week by the Social Studies department!

The 2019 Prom Promise will take place on Monday, March 11, at 1:30. This event includes a mock wreck, with students portraying crash victims. Please be aware that emergency responders are a critical part of the demonstration. Please see the attached news release for more info

Spring sports are in full swing this week! Baseball (JV and varsity), softball (JV and varsity), and soccer are all at home this week. We hope to see you out there! #GoPanthers

Seniors, graduation is fast approaching! Herff Jones will be at AHS on Friday, March 8, to deliver graduation orders. Stop by the auditorium during lunch to pick up your order.

Eat breakfast at school and win prizes! During March 4-8, Abbeville County School District is celebrating National School Breakfast Week. Check out the attached flyer for rules and prizes. Breakfast and gift cards...now that's a win-win! #NSBW19

Whoa, check out the big news regarding two of our outstanding Abbeville football coaches. Congrats to Coach Jamie Nickles and Coach Mark Smith! #RepTheA #PantherPride

FFA spent Wednesday, February 20, in Columbia as part of FFA Legislative Appreciation Day. AHS was represented by Brandon Henderson, Amairani Renteria, Anna Beth Smith, Lilly Smith, and Savannah Winn.

Click the following link to order your yearbook!

Seven of the nine wrestlers who competed last weekend qualified for the AA State Championship Tournament! The tournament will be held at the Anderson Civic Center on Friday and Saturday, February 22-23.

Friday, February 22, is the last day to order a 2018-2019 AHS yearbook. See Mr. Bannister to reserve your copy. No late orders will be accepted.

Congratulations to Jaden Calhoun on being named Student of the Week for February 19-22. Jaden, was selected by the Math Department for being an outstanding student who is focused on academic success. Way to go, Jaden!