Abbeville County School District will dismiss at 1:00pm on Wednesday, May 15. As a reminder, some buses will run earlier than the 1:00pm dismissal. We wish the Dixie Hornets softball team safe travels and much success!

Today is National Teacher Appreciation Day. As part of National Teacher Appreciation Week, AHS would like to thank all of the hardworking and dedicated educators throughout Abbeville County. Thank you for all that you do!! #NationalTeacherAppreciationDay #MakeADifference

9th and 10th Grade IGP meetings are wrapping up. If you have not yet scheduled your IGP meeting with Mr. Bannister, then please do so as soon as possible. Visit calendly.com/pbannister to schedule your child's IGP meeting.

Congratulations to the Lady Panthers Softball team on winning the Class AA District 2 Championship!! Here is the AA Upper and Lower State Championship brackets.

Seniors, don't miss out on this opportunity. This presentation is always fun!! This year's presentation will be shown during the Senior Night program on May 23.

Check out the Class AA Upperstate baseball bracket for game dates and locations for your Abbeville Panthers. And don't forget to support AHS Softball as they host the District 2 Championship on Wednesday, May 1, beginning at 5:00.

Championship baseball anyone? AHS Baseball hosts Christ Church at 5:00 tonight in the AA District IV Championship game. Get there early!

Congratulations to Mrs. New on being selected as Teacher of the Month for April!

Congrats to baseball and softball on their playoff victories last night. Baseball will host the winner of Saturday's Christ Church/Chesterfield game in the District Championship on Monday. Softball will travel to Buford on Saturday for Game 2 of the District II bracket.

More playoff action on tap for today. Baseball hosts Christ Church while softball travels to St. Joseph's in the first round of the AA district playoffs. Here is the AA, District II softball bracket.

Congratulations to Hunter Rodgers on being selected to play in the 2019 North-South Baseball All-Star Game!

Seniors, it's time to share those baby photos with the Class of 2019!

Spring sports are coming to an end, which can only mean one thing...PLAYOFFS! Here is the District IV bracket. The complete baseball bracket can be found at schsl.org

All athletic events for today, April 9, have been postponed until tomorrow, April 10.

Did you know the Class of 2018 was awarded more than $6 million in scholarships? Seniors, there is A LOT of scholarship money out there! Stop by Guidance ASAP to learn more about some of these opportunities. Every dollar counts!

Congrats to Alley Sammons on being selected SOTW for April 8-12.

9th Graders, IGP meetings are currently in progress. These meetings are important to planning your academic and/or career future. Visit calendly.com/pbannister to schedule your meeting today!!

Piedmont Technical College is hosting a youth art expo. Check out the link and vote for your favorites! Be sure to search "Abbeville High School" to find the amazing and creative artwork from our students!

Congratulations to Emily Mitchum on being selected to the 2019 Cohort of SC Teaching Fellows! Way to go, Emily!

Juniors, don't forget that WIN Testing is Tuesday, April 2. Please report to your testing room at 7:50.