The interpretation of the ASVAB that was taken in November will be Monday, December 16, at 10:45AM in the PEN Lab.

Congrats to the AHS Academic Team on their 2nd place finish in the WPEC Academic Challenge Regional Tournament! GO PANTHERS!

Juniors from AHS attended Piedmont Technical College's Open House to explore possible career fields and majors. Students took a career assessment to identify their possible career choices based on their interests which coordinated with specific majors at Piedmont Technical College and 4 year colleges. Students were able to see demonstrations of career fields and talk with instructors about those fields during this time.

AHS will host Saluda on Friday in the AA Upperstate Football Championship. Gates will open at 6:00pm. Tickets can be purchased during the week at 105 West and Lewis Chiropractics. Tickets are $8 and Clear Bag Policy will be in place. GO PANTHERS!

Congratulations to Ambria Gilliard for being selected as our Student of the Week November 18-22.

Congratulations to John Grady Bolt & Megan Elise Botts for being selected as the 2019 Heisman High School Scholarship School Winners for Abbeville High School. From an applicant pool of thousands of high school scholar-athletes graduating with the class of 2020, more than 3,600 have been named School Winners in the Heisman Trophy Trust’s scholarship competition.
School Winners will continue to compete for the chance to become State Winners, National Finalists or National Winners. State Winners receive a $500 college scholarship, National Finalists receive a $1,000 college scholarship and the male and female National Winners will each receive a $5,000 college scholarship and a trip to New York City to attend the 2019 Heisman Trophy Weekend events including the televised ESPN Heisman Trophy ceremony and 85th annual Heisman Dinner Gala.

Piedmont Technical College provided placement testing for Abbeville High School students planning to graduate with the Class of 2020 and enroll in PTC in the Fall of 2020. Placement testing provides a measure to ensure that students are successful in the general education courses required in their major. In the photo above, 3rd Year Graduate Candidate, Sa'Maria Anderson, receives test interpretation and program guidance after completing the ACCUPlacer test administration from Piedmont Technical College's Admissions Staff, Adrian Roger and Rena Frazier.

JV & Varsity Boys Basketball Try-Outs will begin Wednesday (11/6) @ 4:30.

Senior Group Photo - Thursday November 7
The senior group picture will be at 11:15 in the gym. Casual Dress

Any junior or senior planning to begin Piedmont Tech dual enrollment courses during the Spring semester needs to complete the application process and return their registration form to Mrs. Scott by December 5.

Are you looking for your 💜dream job? The ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) is designed to help you find it. Regardless of your plans after high school, college or military, the ASVAB CEP helps you make a plan to achieve your goals. There are still a few spots left to take the ASVAB on November 12th. If you are in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade and do not know what career you are interested in, the ASVAB is the perfect tool for personalized Career Exploration. Sign up in the Counseling Department ASAP. (Participation does not
commit you to the military in any way.)

The placement test for Piedmont Technical College, ACCUPlacer, will be on November 6th for any senior planning to go to PTC in the Fall or any junior/senior planning to add on dual enrollment courses in the Spring without a qualifying SAT/ACT score. Sign up in the Counseling Department ASAP.

9th and 10th graders will need to schedule your IGP conference with Mr. Bannister with the following link:
https://calendly.com/pbannister . Conferences will begin November 12th.

The junior class of Abbeville High School attended the annual College Fair sponsored by CACRAO on October 23rd.
Approximately 95 students visited with around 50 different college representatives. This is part of high school students' journey to be college and/or career ready.

Senior Make-up Portraits
Seniors who need a make-up portrait must go to https://seniors.legacystudios.com/abbeville-hs-sc/ and pick a time to schedule their make-ups. NO WALK-UPS will be accepted. Sign up deadline is November 13th. Make-up day is November 18th.

The following students were chosen as Student of the Week during the month of September. Congrats to everyone on the excellent work!
David Hackett - ELA, Sept. 2-6
Addison Nickles - Math, Sept. 9-13
Mykal Tinch - Science, Sept. 16-20
Malachi Wilson - Social Studies, Sept. 23-27

Piedmont Technical College is hosting Financial Aid/FAFSA Night on Monday, October 7, from 5:30-7:00 at the PTC Abbeville Campus. This event is for all college-bound seniors, not just those attending PTC.

Youth/ROTC/Military Appreciation Day

Interact Club will meet after school on Tuesday, September 17, in Mrs. Lumpkin's classroom (Rm. 222). This meeting is for both returning members and those interested in joining Interact Club this year.

Anyone interested in joining FFA needs to see Mrs. Finley! FFA is open to all students at AHS, and yearly dues are only $15. The FFA Back to School Meeting is Wednesday, September 11th, at 5:30 in the Ag Shop. This meeting is open to anyone interested in joining FFA.