Attention Fans, please see the attached document detailing policies/procedures for 2020 football games in Hite Stadium. Our goal is to create the safest environment possible for all fans. Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to seeing you in Hite Stadium! GO PANTHERS!
over 4 years ago, Abbeville High
Caroline Scott, a VirtualSC student, qualified for the National Latin Honor Society for the 2019-20 school year. Membership in the NLHS requires students to maintain an A in their current Latin course. Congratulations Caroline!
over 4 years ago, Abbeville High
Attention Seniors! Senior portraits scheduled for Friday have been postponed. Be on the lookout for an updated schedule!
over 4 years ago, Abbeville High
Attention SENIORS! Please check your school gmail for an important survey.
over 4 years ago, Abbeville High
Interested in playing volleyball for AHS this year? Tryouts will be held on Monday, August 24, and Tuesday, August 25, at Wright Middle School starting at 3:30. All athletes must have a current physical and Assumption of Risk Form completed prior to trying out.
over 4 years ago, Abbeville High
Students, please be sure to check your school email prior to arriving to school on Monday, August 17, for some important, last minute details! We look forward to opening our doors and welcoming everyone back for a new and exciting school year!
over 4 years ago, Abbeville High
AHS Students and Families: Use the following link to ask questions you may have for Abbeville High School by the end of the day Friday 8/14.
over 4 years ago, Abbeville High
Attention Freshman Parents: Please check your child's student email for a link to tonight's live Q&A session with Dr. Lanford.
over 4 years ago, Abbeville High
Parents, due to the recent announcement by State Superintendent Molly Spearman of masks now being required in every public school building, the ACSD iTECH Academy registration deadline has been extended until Monday, August 3, at midnight. Parents wishing to make any changes to an already submitted registration, please contact your child’s school by Monday afternoon. Any parent in need of Internet services at home for a child enrolled in the iTECH Academy, please contact your child’s school to see if you qualify for free Internet services, provided by Abbeville County School District.
over 4 years ago, ACSD
AHS will hold on-site registration for students who are new to Abbeville County School District on Tuesday, July 28, from 8:30-3:00.
over 4 years ago, Abbeville High
Parents: AHS will be holding in-person registration tomorrow, July 28, for anyone who isn't able to register online with their child's Snapcode. School will be open from 8:30 - 3:00. Please enter the building via the 100 Hall, to the right of the main entrance.
over 4 years ago, Abbeville High
Parents, if you have a rising 5K student who did not attend one of our 4K programs last year OR a child who is new to our district, please go by the school on Tuesday, July 28th, between 8:30 and 3:00 to complete the new student registration packet. Parents, if you need assistance completing the online registration form for your returning ACSD student, you may go by the child’s school on Tuesday, July 28th, between 8:30 and 3:00. Computers will be available for use, and a staff member can assist with questions you may have.
over 4 years ago, ACSD
ACSD logo
The online registration portal for returning students is now open. You should be receiving another email with your snapcode information soon. If you completed registration when we originally launched it on June 16th, you will not need to re-register.
over 4 years ago, ACSD
PowerSchool logo
Parents, due to unforeseen circumstances, online registration has been suspended for the time being. Please stay tuned for updated information regarding online enrollment. We apologize for any inconvenience.
over 4 years ago, ACSD
attention please
Attention Parents of ACSD! Your input is needed as we make plans for our upcoming school year. Please complete the Parent Survey on re-opening our schools for the 2020-21 school year by clicking on the following link -
over 4 years ago, ACSD
parent survey
Attention! Online registration begins today. Parents, you should receive an email soon with a new snapcode and instructions on how to get started. For any questions, please contact David Myers at
over 4 years ago, ACSD
PowerSchool logo
Student-athletes/Parents, please see the attached announcement as it relates to the return of athletic activity.
almost 5 years ago, Abbeville High
Congratulations to Ayden Bernard on being the 2020 recipient of the Dr. Betty Jo Moore Hall "Putting Students First" Education Scholarship. Dr. Wally Hall presented Ayden with the award. Ayden will be majoring in childhood education at Lander this fall.
almost 5 years ago, Abbeville High
Student Athletes & Parents, Abbeville Area Healthcare is currently taking appointments for sports physicals, which are scheduled for June 22-26. Additionally, Doctor's Care in Greenwood is currently taking walk-ins for sports physicals. Be sure to get yours if you want to play!
almost 5 years ago, Abbeville High
AHS is proud to announce Mrs. Sara Wojtkowski as our Teacher of the Year! Congratulations, Mrs. Wojo!! Thank you for your selfless contributions to AHS and your commitment to our students.
almost 5 years ago, Abbeville High