On Tuesday, March 9th, Shelby Dominick from Lander University will moderate a virtual session entitled "How to Plan and Pay for College." This event is open to the public. Whether you are thinking about paying for your 3 year old to attend college fifteen years from now, or have a senior in high school who will attend college in the fall - listen and learn from experts in the area of financial aid and financial planning! (Session is relevant to those attending any college or university, not just those considering Lander.)
Register for this free event by visiting www.lander.edu/virtual-visit!

On Monday, March 8, a representative from Spartanburg Methodist College will be at AHS during all 3 lunches. SMC offers a full tuition scholarship for students graduating with a 3.0 or higher, offers a small family-like campus feel, with 2 and 4 year degree programs! Consider applying to SMC today... no application or test scores required!"

Good morning, Panthers!
This is a friendly reminder from the Counseling Department that 9th and 10th grade IGP conference are ongoing! If you have not signed up for an appointment time, please do so as soon as possible using the online scheduler link below.

Attention 11th and 12th grade students! The AHS prom will be April 17th from 8:30p-10:30p at the Livery Stable. Flyers and date forms will be available from the Front Office beginning Monday 3/1. Contact Dr. Lanford with any questions!

Be sure to check out the Dual Enrollment information board outside of the Counseling Office! It has information about Dual Enrollment opportunities at Piedmont Technical College and Lander University. There is also information about the Abbeville Promise Program. Check it out and contact your counselor if you have questions!

AHS Parents,
The deadline to order a yearbook is April 29th. You can place your order online at the link below.

The ASVAB will be given at the Abbeville County Career Center on, Thursday, January 28th at 8:30AM to any 10th, 11th, or 12th grade student who wants a great career assessment tool to help identify which career areas best suit them, wants to know what they may be good at learning, is interested in the military, or wants to meet criteria for College/Career Readiness. Please sign up in the Counseling Department ASAP as there are limited openings.

Additional tickets for the Abbeville vs. Marion State Championship game will go on sale TODAY, December 14, at 12 noon. Go to Gofan.com

Friday, December 4th, will be a full day of school. There will not be an early dismissal.

Tomorrow's state championship football game vs. Marion has been postponed until Friday, December 18, at 5:00PM. The location is TBD and will be communicated as soon as possible. All tickets will be honored for the makeup date.

Panther fans, if you are traveling to Spring Valley HS for tomorrow's state championship football game, please familiarize yourself with the SCHSL's guidelines and policies. Thank you, and GO PANTHERS!

9th grade iTECH students will participate in Winter MAP testing Monday, December 7th and Tuesday, December 8th beginning at 8AM. Students are required to bring their Chromebook and a mask. Students will be socially distanced in the cafeteria while testing.

Panther fans, the SCHSL is releasing 400 more General Admission tickets for Friday's State Championship Football Game. Tickets will go on sale at 4:00PM on Wednesday, December 2, at https://gofan.co/search. Search "Abbeville" or "SCHSL" to access Friday's game. GO PANTHERS!!!

Here it is! Use this link to buy Abbeville side tix to the SCHSL AA Football championship. Go Panthers! https://gofan.co/app/events/170423

The link to purchase tickets to the State Championship football game will be live on this feed Tuesday, December 1st, at 12 pm.

The ACCUPlacer, the placement test for Piedmont Technical College (and other SC Technical Colleges), will be given on December 8th from 9AM-12PM in the AHS PEN Lab for any senior planning to attend Piedmont Technical College in the Fall and for any junior who plans to take Dual Enrollment courses in the Spring and still needs to meet the placement test requirement.
Please sign up in the Counseling Department or on the AccuPlaccer Google Form --https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScr_Sz1Z_P542GVRaABK2IiMKx5w8iyfuKxFLTd0KI2OaqFRg/viewform

Any male interested in playing soccer during the 2021 season needs to see Coach Guire by Friday, November 20. If you are an iTECH student, you may email Coach Guire (cguire@acsdsc.org) to express interest and get more information.

AHS iTech 9th-11th grade pictures will be Friday November 13 from 8:30-12. IGP planning packets will be given out during this time.

Due to a scheduling conflict, senior photo makeups are now NEXT Friday, November 20. Appointment link is now live for students to schedule their make-up. This will be the LAST chance to get photos made for seniors. NEXT FRIDAY.

Attention seniors: Did you miss your senior portrait yesterday? No worries...makeup day is scheduled for Friday, November 13. If you need reserve a time for your picture, then please stop by and see Mr. Bannister in-person to request an appointment.