Congrats to Tyron Pahn on being selected Student of the Week. Tyron's teacher describes him in the following statement " Tyron has held tight to his goals & ambitions. I feel that his personal drive and character have paved the way for him to tackle his senior year with success."

Ms. Banks has been selected as our Staff of the Week! She prepares engaging lessons that always keep her students actively participating. Her students appreciate all the practical lessons she has taught them this year.

This week is National School Counseling Week. We would like to recognize our guidance counselors for all they do at AHS. Thank you, Mrs. Scott and Mr. Bannister, for all you do! We appreciate you.

Congratulations to all of the ladies who completed in our Miss AHS pageant this weekend. Class winners include:
Miss AHS - Abbye Light
Miss Senior - Gabby White
Miss Junior - Riley Jones
Miss Sophomore - Tyla Johnson
Miss Freshman - Ziya Watt

Updates regarding tonight's games at Greenville Tech Charter:

Mr. Shane Cox has been selected as our Staff of the Week! Mr. Cox is a valued member of the Freshman Academy. Students respect him because of his calm yet no-nonsense demeanor. He cares about his students and always keeps a cool head no matter what challenges he faces.

Congrats to Kelly Roque on being selected Student of the Week. Kelly has devoted her time to help our new ESOL students adjust to school. Her friendliness and helping hand has made the transition much smoother for our new students.

Our OnePalmetto Scholarship and College Fairs are designed to provide a platform for middle and high school, college undergraduate, and graduate students across the United States to interact with
admissions staff from various colleges/universities to provide information about their institution;
representatives from local, state, and national scholarship organizations to provide information about their resources and what they look for in potential recipients; and
breakout session presenters to review important topics related to scholarship and college opportunities.
In addition, we also offer a number of scholarship giveaways and other door prizes during the event (e.g. laptops, printers, gift cards, etc.).
Contact: Please contact onepalmetto@gmail.com for any other questions.

Seniors, be sure and check the Class of 2022 Google Classroom! A number of new scholarships have been added for your consideration. Don't delay your scholarship apps!

AHS will operate on normal schedule tomorrow, Wednesday, January 19.

Due to hazardous road conditions in parts of Abbeville County, Tuesday, January 18, will be an eLearning day for all students. Assignments will be posted in Google Classroom by 8AM. All athletic and extracurricular events have been postponed.

Friday, January 14, will be an eLearning day for AHS. Students will not report to school. Assignments will be loaded into Google Classroom by 8:00AM. Teachers will hold virtual office hours from 10-11 and 1:30-2:30. School meals will not be provided.

Student opportunity: $40,000 for college and a paid internship
Our partners at Amazon Future Engineer are offering 100 high school seniors across the US $40K for tuition and a guaranteed coding internship at Amazon following their freshman year. Applications are open to students who plan to study computer science in college and close January 25, 2022. Learn more about the scholarships and eligibility requirements, and then share the opportunity with students!

Scholarship Opportunity

Due to illness, the Panther’s boys basketball team will not participate in the McDonald’s Shootout.

Mrs. Jennifer Davenport has been selected as our Staff of the Week! She cares for each of her students as if they are her own. Her kind heart and helpful attitude keep the students excited about school. She will go above and beyond for anyone!

Congrats to Natalie Templeton on being selected Student of the Week. Natalie goes above and beyond the call of duty in her classes. Natalie’s teacher said, “she could not say enough positive things about such an incredible young lady!”

Mrs. Joy Brady has been selected as our Staff of the Week! She is always positive with her students, and she strives to help them be better students. During her Academic Enhancement time, she is evening helping her students by teaching algebra lessons. Way to go, Mrs. Brady!

Congrats to Cameron Allen on being selected Student of the Week. Cam is a disciplined young man who consistently works hard everyday, is respectful to all of his teachers and respected by all of his peers. He is a delight to have in class and a wonderful representative of AHS.

Scholarship Alert! Seniors, the Dr. Charles T. Battle Memorial Scholarship is now available in the Class of 2022 Google Classroom. The deadline is December 17, 2021. Apply now!