AHS Teacher Cadets visit WMS

Mrs. Finley's Ag classes showcase their math skills!

We want to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM) beginning today through October 15. This is a time to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and extensive histories of the American Latino community.

Abbeville and Dixie High Schools will be sponsoring enrichment activities during Intersession Week. These activities will take place at Dixie High School on October 4-6. Option 1) SAT Prep (8:00-12:00) Students will receive specialized instruction in SAT test-taking strategies in math and English. Classes are available for 9th-12th graders and will be taught by certified teachers. Cost: FREE. Option 2) Career Exploration and Job Skills Workshop (8:00-2:30) This is for grades 10-12. Students who attend this workshop will receive specialized instruction in resume-building, interviewing, and soft skills for job retention from Piedmont Technical College's Career Development Facilitator. Students will tour at least one industry or business in the Abbeville/Greenwood area each day of the program. Cost: FREE. Transportation and meals are provided. Please contact Mr. White (swhite@acsdsc.org) to sign up.

Staff members from Piedmont Technical College's Financial Aid Office will be on campus Tuesday, September 20, from 5:30-6:30 to provide valuable information about college financial aid. This event is open to all seniors and their parents regardless of college destination.

Ms. McDowell's Algebra 1 class goes on an outdoor scavenger hunt to solve equations.

Today we pause to honor the memory of all those lost in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

High Schools throughout the state are hosting College Application Days during September and October to provide support in helping seniors begin to complete college applications. For more information, please visit http://sccango.org/.

Happy Labor Day!

College Application Day for the Class of 2023 will be Wednesday, September 7, 2022, from 8:15 AM-11:40 AM in the Library. Students, check your google calendar for your assigned time.

There will be an informational meeting for anyone interested in Interact Club on Thursday (Sept. 1) from 3:00-3:30 in Mrs. Lumpkin's room (303).

Seniors! Use the link below to make an appointment for your SENIOR PORTRAIT. Also, you will need to pay the $20 sitting fee ONLINE when you make your appointment. https://seniors.legacystudios.com/abbeville-hs-sc/

Attention Seniors! Tuesday, September 6, is portrait day! An announcement will be made when the online sign-up for portrait sessions is available.

AHS, it's time for pictures!!!! Monday, August 22, is picture day for grades 9-11. We will begin calling juniors in alphabetical order around 9:00!

Congratulations to our newly inducted Junior Beta Club members and officers!

There will be a senior class meeting in the Auditorium Monday, August 8th at 11:20 am. Please be sure to attend!

Freshman orientation will be July 28th from 5:30-6:30 or 6:30-7:30. Please choose the hour that is best for you. You do not have to attend both sessions. We look forward to seeing you next week.

Registration will be tomorrow at Abbeville High School from 8:30-10:30.

Online registration for 2022-2023 is open! The link can be found on the district webpage or copied from below. Your snap code has been emailed to the email address on file with PowerSchool. https://secure.infosnap.com/family/message?code=actionprivate

Students that plan to park on campus must complete the Alive at 25 course before receiving their parking permit. Register for the course at this link: https://scnsc.org/ddc/aliveat25