For the most updated information on COVID-19, please refer to the district website as well as the ACSD Facebook page. We will be updating everyone here as more information becomes available. #flattenthecurve
- Referendum meetings on March 17, 19 and 26 are postponed until further notice.
- COVID Superintendent Update March 15
- Alternative Learning Parent Letter
- Parents needing to pick up student medications may stop by the schools Monday, March 16th and Tuesday, March 17th to pick it up.
- Breakfast and lunch will continue to be available each day at CTE, DHE, JCCE, and WMS from 8:30-9:30 AM and 12:30-1:30 PM.
- Beginning Wednesday, March 18, breakfast and lunch will be delivered to all bus riders where students are dropped off each afternoon. Routes will leave their respective schools at 12:30 each day. Meals may be delivered a little later than a student typically arrives at the bus stop. For example, on regular school days, if a student leaves his/her school at 3:00 PM and arrives at the bus stop at 3:40, this student/parent needs to be at the bus stop at 1:10 PM to receive a meal. Please give drivers a little extra time for the first few days of delivery.
- COVID-19 SCHSL Update
- West Carolina Tel Wi-Fi Hot Spots
- Update: WCTel Lowndesville. All sites are now in service.