2025 Spring Testing

All students should arrive at school on time with a fully charged Chromebook and report directly to their testing location.

February 10th-14th–ACCESS Testing (Mrs. B. Sabatino and Mrs. Alderman)

March 6th–ACT Testing

March 19th–SAT Testing

April 8th-17th–WIN Testing

May 5th–ENG 2 Writing

May 6th–AP Human Geography (Ms. Jameson)

May 12th–AP Calculus (Mr. Guire)

May 14th–3rd and 4th Exams (Seniors)

May 15th–1st and 2nd Exams (Seniors)

May 16-Senior Exam makeups

May 20th–EOC ENG 2 Reading

May 21st–EOC Algebra 1 and US History and the Constitution

May 22nd–EOC Biology 1

May 27th–3rd and 4th Exams (9th, 10th, and 11th graders)

May 28th–1st and 2nd Exams (9th, 10th, and 11th graders)

May 29th–Makeup Exams/Students last day