Career Planning & Assessments
Your Career?
Want answers?
What do I want to do after high school?
What career will I be good at?
Where do I want to go to college?
What colleges offer the program I want to study?
How much will college cost?
How much will I make at specific jobs?
How much will it cost to live?
Take a Career Assessment
Naviance also find in your apps in your student email account - See Self-Discovery - take one of the either assessments username: abbevillehs password: Scois2013
Typefocus follow these directions
Holland RIASEC with PTC Majors
Suggestions of where to begin:
Take a career interest inventory
Explore your top 3 Career Clusters
Explore 3 Occupations in each Career Cluster
Find "Programs of Study" in left menu under each option
Explore those colleges that offer those programs of study (State Schools or US College & Universities)
What is SCOIS???
SCOIS (S.C. Occupational Information System) is South Carolina's Official Career Resource Network. SCOIS can be used in all grades K-12 as well as postsecondary institutions and guides you all the way to state and national job openings. Students who use SCOIS can better prepare for their Individualized Graduation Plans (IGPs.)
SCOIS is an on-line system and you need a password to enter. You will have access to several Career Assessments, College Information, Occupational Information, College Major Information, Career Clusters, School Subjects matched to careers, Financial Aid Information, Private Trade Schools, Career Videos, Building and Posting Resumes, Career Electronic Portfolios, Salary and Outlook information on Careers, Lesson Plans for Teachers, Career Guidance Tools for Parents, Accountability Reports for Administrators and much more.